Tuesday, July 15, 2008

today had early released at 12.50pm instead of 2.10pm because there's olevel listening compre today. i guessed its over already.
today was such a boring day so i shall not elaborate :d
after school went home with evelyn.
reached home at about 2.10pm. first time so early reach home on normal school days..
i supposed to do & complete lots of things once i've reached home but im still using the comp now. no self-discipline.
talking to chuazhengyi in msn now & SHE'S SUPER DUPER LAME LUH. lol. keep making fun of me. zzz.
okok. i must be a guai kia and must have self-discipline.
so, i gtg now.
oh and yah, i accidentally deleted my last post.
well, who cares.